RAM can speed up your computer- its true or a myth?
Many people are searching for different ideas for speeding up their computers. Ram has some how solved their confusion a bit. Many people wonder that ram is capable of speeding up the computer speed
The answer to their question is Yess, Ram is considered to be an element when you use the computer, ram also used during this process.
The amount of program you are processing depends upon the amount of ram you are using.
Internet programs like instant messenger or browser puts load on ram by the help of an executable file
RAM takes 5 megabytes to load large programs.
Dynamic link libraries which range from 20 to 30 megabytes are used by microprocessor
Most of the time, users open more than one application, this put a lot of load on Ram. If you use more Ram this will currently slower your computer speed.
If you want to increase your Ram speed then here are some steps you have to perform to get your computer’s speed on the top:
You first step is to find out how much Ram you have.
If you don’t have Ram status, then click right on my computer and then look for the properties. After choosing the general tab, you will find information about Ram.
Simple press both CNTRL and ALT along with delete to get the task manager.
After processing the tab, you will easily figure out the number of Ram used in your computer.
Calculate the amount of amount of Ram used and deduct it from the Ram left, in this way you get the exact idea about the amount of Ram you are using.
You can speed up your computer by adding Ram, in this way you will not have to buy a faster unit. Also try to buy internal hard drive for transferring and saving the important files that you may or may not use in future. Keep those files in your hard drive which are used by you on regular basis, so as to get the fast computer speed.
Spacing your hard drive is another way to speed up your computer.
Uninstalling all the unnecessary files from your computer to get the space for the current files.
Opening unnecessary programs and files and software is avoided.
If you area not having any budget to upgrade the Ram for better speed then apply certain techniques to get your job done cheaply.
I hope the above discussion will surely help you to use the Ram for increasing the computer speed. Enjoying computing, have a nice time.
source: www.dibugs.com
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Content Source: RAM can speed up your computer- its true or a myth? - Bukisa.com
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